Dear Tullocks Woods Residents,
This year Owen Township will be doing major road work on a few of the roads in Tullocks Woods. These roads were designed to drain water to the center of the roadway without consideration of the final destination of the drain water or taking our winter climate into account. Over the years this design has caused a considerable amount of problems including roadway safety, thick sections of winter ice on the roads, standing water in the roadway, a continual softening of the road surface, resulting in deterioration, a need for premature and repeated repairs and maintenance.
These conditions result in a greater hazard for drivers and vehicles and a much greater burden on the tax dollars needed to deal with these issues. An accompanying issue with this poor road design is that not all of these roads have a proper drainage mechanism such as drainage ditches to allow storm water to leave the roadway in inclement weather.
The fix for these roads to become safer, function better and decrease maintenance costs is not simple. Construction, materials and contractor costs are high. With a lack of a drainage system one needs to be constructed if the design of the roads is changed to deal with water runoff. This has been a continuing problem in Tullocks Woods for decades and without addressing it, it will only get worse as the roads deteriorate.
In light of this situation the Owen Township High Commission has been looking for solutions for many years. This includes understanding the costs and working to budget funds to address these issues. After budgeting/saving for many years, looking towards addressing these problems, this Spring and Summer we will be taking steps to try and address the water and ice problems in these areas.
The project will begin with a contractor excavating and then pouring an open concrete gutter along portions of these roads.
After this step is complete, likely later in the summer, a contractor will mill, fill and shape the roads to encourage drainage of the roadways both during inclement weather and at times of water runoff.
Shortly after shaping we will sealcoat these roads with oil and stone to provide a sealant and surface to protect the road base. In 2025 a second layer of sealcoat will be applied in keeping with Illinois Department of Transportation road maintenance standards.
The first phase of this project is expected to begin the week April 29th, 2024.
That will be installing the open gutter. We understand this is short notice but in order to get the most affordable price we are working with our contractors to fit our small project between their larger more involved construction projects.
We appreciate their consideration because this is the only way we can afford to take on this project with our limited funds.
Because the gutters to be installed are poured concrete the affected drives will not be accessible by vehicles for approximately 4 days due to work installing and curing time of the concrete. Unfortunately you will need to move any vehicles you expect to use during this time period and park them on the opposite side of the street or in a cul-de-sac out of the flow of traffic. We know this is an inconvenience so please be considerate of your neighbors as well as tolerant and patient during this time.
There are maps attached showing the affected areas or if you have questions feel free to contact me.
We very much appreciate your cooperation and patience during this construction project. This project will make driving in tullocks woods safer for everyone and reduce road maintenance costs for all the residents of Owen Township.
--Charles Barnes
Owen Township Highway Commissioner
Updates: July 3, 2024
The contractor will begin milling (grinding) the road surfaces we are working on. We will then be bringing rock in to add to the roadway so it will be built up enough that they can shape it (put a crown on the roadway). This will allow the water to run off into the gutters and ditches so it is not standing in and draining down the middle of the road. Status: Complete
They will be there tomorrow at 7am. The milling and shaping should be done by Friday. At that time we will begin sealing the road. I am anticipating this will take place Friday, Monday and Tuesday. So a lot of activity this week and next. The workers will stop and direct traffic as needed. Aside from the workers, trucks and equipment the roads will be "open" but if we can limit using the roads being worked on it will be better and safer for everyone. Status: Complete
We are using pea gravel to finish the sealing this year. This should keep the dust down more than the limestone rock we have used in previous years Status: Complete
A couple weeks after the sealcoating is done we will be back to sweep up the extra stone. Please take it easy driving and be careful as you drive on the loose gravel. Also note that we will be putting a second sealcoating on the two roads we worked on last year in Nottingham Manor so you will encounter loose gravel over there too. Status: Still to be completed as of July 3, 2024
Thank you everyone for your patience and cooperation during this project. We hope to improve the safety and driving conditions in your neighborhood by completing this road work.
--Charles Barnes
Owen Township Highway Commissioner